Wednesday, February 04, 2009

1984 revisited...

What makes some people think they have the right to meddle into others' private life, data, etc... Who draws the line at what can be done and what can't? How do you see if you're being watched if you can't stare back at them the same way? Here's the dilemma.

PS: Read the book by the way :D


Nês said...

George Orwell :P não foi aí que foi baseado o big brother? Bem, mas nada como o teu novo programa ;) tens q promovê-lo ;)

Beijinhos docinhos da tua nês que adora :)

Unknown said...

One of my favourite books.

True, observation gives a sense of false security. This has been a continuous manipulation way through times. Religion is very good at it, and now computers are becomming better and better with it. And the funny thing is, we are the ones voluntarily giving away our privacy.

(By the way, how is your hi5 and facebook doing?) :D