Friday, August 29, 2008

And now for something completely different...

No, it's not Monty Python... but it might be a lot crazier. :)

Have you noticed how people seem to react similarly when confronted with similar situations. What if I were to tell you that people associate actions with numbers and tend to move a 'x' number of times according to what they-re thinking or perceiveing? For example, if someone answers "yes", but nods its head five times, he or she is probably lying. Sounds crazy, hum?

Here's a small list of correspondences:

1 - To be, to exist
2 - To see, to smell, to think
3 - To ask, to confirm
4 - To search, to find, to understand
5 - opposite, appears to be but it is not

I'm going to turn everyone into wackos. :)

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