Thursday, August 28, 2008

Another day... another gadget

Well, yesterday I was going out from work when I received a mail from Play Asia. The GP2x Wiz is available for pre-order. The what?!

Hum, it doesn't look bad. But why would someone put a second d-pad instead of four buttons (my girlfriend loves playing sonic, and this configuration doesn't allow to select levels at start)? And no wifi for downloads and multiplayer gaming? I never bought a GP2x, but I would certainly buy this one if these two things were corrected/added. And I bet one must buy a separate accessory to make software for the thing. :S As it is, I'll rather spend my money somewhere else. Maybe the Pandora so I'll finally have an Amiga in my pocket. :)

PS - I love the Wiz's shape and color scheme though... :P

Update 02/09:

GPH (the console's manufacturer) is going to change that horrible 2nd dpad with four buttons. I might buy one of these now. :) Shame about no wifi though...


Unknown said...

humm... entao isto e' um blog portugues ou estrangeiro?? Ou so' os posts geeks e' que sao em ingles para os portugueses nao perceberem? Bem, vou deixar a marca do costume dos sitios por onde passo:

"La fora e's um heroi mas aqui borras-te todo"

Pedro Caleiro said...

O que vale é que tás na holanda, quer dizer que aqui sou um herói. :D